Monday, June 23, 2008

Capri Sun Anyone?

This is no ordinary Capri Sun Box or Juice Cooler Box - what we have here is what I like to call...            

an accomplice!!
Guesses any one??


Alicia said...

Hmmmm...did Bobby sneak this in the cart when you weren't looking??? Okay, probably not. That's all I could think of, though... :)

Katie said...

accomplice....was the capri sun an accomplice to a major blow out that bobby had in his diaper? oooh! i got it! the capri sun box was an accomplice to the crime that you committed in getting escaping the hospital with katie's placenta!!!! ...this is joe and you'll be proud to know that i figured that out on my own. no help. i mean it.

Jackson Family said...

Our minds our boggled! You must tell us. =)

Jonestown said...

Yeah uuummm I didn't actually think you wanted me to really post the answer! I am just looking for comments...

Jackson Family said...

Well, aside from joe's response, if i had to guess, I think that the box was used in the robbery of a bank and that is how you snuck the money out without anyone knowing. Infact, you were soooooo smooth, they still, don't know the money is missing. LOL

Jones Family

Jones Family

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Watching Abby Grow

Watching Bobby Grow