Monday, October 13, 2008

Tagged, again

So, I have been tagged.  Although I have been tagged before... this one I could figure out.  (I tried to cut and paste all the info form the last tagging and couldn't figure it out.)  Apparently this time I needed to choose the fourth folder and the fourth picture.  This picture is of Bobby.  He just got off the plane from his first flight in December and he was having a great time.  What a ham... he was still winking then as you can tell by his left eye.  

I would like to tag Jill, Beth and Alicia ( you tagged me before and I couldn't figure it out).

1 comment:

Katie said...

Cute pic of Bobby! He looks so much older now!

Jones Family

Jones Family

Watching Libby Grow

Watching Tommy Grow

Watching Abby Grow

Watching Bobby Grow